Sunday, September 27, 2009

Twitter and Microblogging in the classroom...

As new as I am to using Twitter, I can DEFINITELY see the potential that this microblogging tool could have for increasing interest and motivation in my classroom.

Tom Barrett has a very interesting article about Twenty-Seven Interesting Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom.

He mentions using Twitter to keep parents and administrators up-to-date with what is going on in your classroom. Since I'm still getting the hang of "tweeting", this is about all I would feel comfortable with at this point. I can see the potential of tweeting about what is going on in class, what upcoming due dates are important, etc.

Since I haven't had the chance to experiment with privacy settings, who can see what, etc. I don't feel comfortable yet with having my students develop their own twitter accounts to tweet as a class assignment. However, once I become more comfortable with using Twitter, I would love to extend it to assignments that involve students. For example, I could have them respond to my tweets, or have them post "tweet conversations" in Spanish about various topics.

After reading an article by Times Higher Education, Tweet Yourself to a New Circle, I realized the potential for Twitter as a professional development tool. Not only that, but it allows you to connect with people interested in the same things as you, and share your resources easily around the world. I would love to know of interesting websites people find, new and interesting project ideas, unique vocabulary games or classroom games, etc. I also am extremely excited to be able to share all of my ideas with my colleagues around the world. Although creating a large network currently seems like a daunting task, I'm sure that I will have created a large network of colleagues from around the world in no time!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Embracing the internet

I have been following the Technology and Education Blog; Box of Tricks, and found this July post "Ask what the internet can do for you..." to be extremely interesting and thought provoking.

The author discusses the importance of Communication, and the effort that is being made to make teachers these days "technologically literate" to keep up with the students. What I think is interesting that students do not even think twice about the resources available to them. They are growing up in a world with Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc. They have an endless amount of information at their fingertips, and yet there are teachers who stick to their old ways, and refuse to learn these new tools.

This article was about embracing the internet, embracing all of the tools available, because not only can they enhance our professional practice as educators, but can also make our lives easier.

RSS feeds and having all of our updates in one place, not only makes new/useful information more accessible, but reduces the amount of time we spend searching for it. Also, it allows us to more easily collaborate with colleagues and other people in the education field, to meet the needs of our students.

Our students are living in an age when the internet is the most common source of information. Why would we not embrace the the abundance of tools out there, and find the ones that work for us. Every new website will not be ideal for every teacher, but surely there are useful tools out there for teachers and students, and if we do not embrace this idea, and "ask what the internet can do for us", we really are losing out.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Social Networking

On the social networking website,, I was able to locate a social network that has potential to be extremely useful in my classroom.

The "La Casa Rojas-Podcast" social network is a website with uploaded podcasts by native speakers of the Spanish language.

The podcasts could be screened, and then played for the students in my classroom. I could have the students respond to the podcasts, write essays, respond orally, or answer questions about the podcast they heard as a method of assessing listening comprehension.

This also allows the students to hear native speakers, and develop their listening comprehension skills. Since I'm not a native speaker of Spanish, it's essential to create opportunities for the students to be exposed to native use of the language.

A learner is like an ingredient...

A learner is like an ingredient to a recipe. Without all of the "ingredients", meaning input from colleagues and other learners, the final product just will not be quite right.

Learners are social and learn from others. As George Siemens states in his article, Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, "Within social networks, hubs are well-connected people who are able to foster and maintain knowledge flow. Their interdependence results in effective knowledge flow, enabling the personal understanding of the state of activities organizationally." In his video The Impact of Social Software on Learning, he also states that "Our learning today is one of forming networks with each other...Most of us enjoy conversation, we're social beings...When we have that dialogue, we ourselves grow in our knowledge and in our own understanding of our own ideas...".

I compared the learner to a the ingredient of a recipe, because one person does not know everything that there is to know about a specific topic. Individuals need to discuss and combine their knowledge, to deepen their understanding, clarify misunderstandings, and grow in their own learning. In my opinion, all "ingredients" need to be combined to create the perfect final product.

In a recipe, you can always experiment with various ingredients. The inputs of various individuals can change the outcome, for better or for worse. It is important to experiment, and consult various individuals on specific topics, to find the best outcome and the most relevant information possible.

Social network software such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc. all make it easier for people to communicate, to share information, to collaborate, and develop a collective understanding of knowledge.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The future of our students

I must admit that I was left semi-speechless after viewing the video Did you know 2.0?

It really puts the importance of technology at the forefront, and brings about a harsh reality that our world is changing at such a rapid rate, we can barely even keep up with it.

The video mentions we are preparing students for jobs that don't even exist. I think back to my time in elementary school, when we used ancient computers and microsoft did not even exist. I think about all of the computer technology, information technology, and computer programming jobs that my friends are involved in, and how when we were born, those jobs certainly did not exist. It makes me wonder what the new jobs are that will be created within the next ten years. Certainly we can predict that they will involve technology, but what will they be?

It's scary to think that the students in my classroom need to be prepared for these types of jobs. How in the world will I ever prepare them for that?

It leads me to the importance of critical thinking, of being able to create and function in a world full of new technology, to be able to analyze and problem solve, etc. As teachers, it is our responsibility to stay on top of the latest technology, and to incorporate it into our classrooms as much as possible. This is how our students are functioning today. This is how they are learning. What a disadvantage to them if we don't teach them how to communicate and collaborate with people around the world.

The video mentions that China will soon be the number one English speaking country. Why not teach our children how to collaborate with students in China, how to combine their knowledge and change the world? The students sitting in our classrooms right now are our future leaders. They will be the ones responsible for international relations, for running our country, for working in these new jobs. We need to make sure they are prepared with the skills necessary to do so.

The above image was taken from 21st Century Support Systems. A website dedicated to describing essential elements that need to be taken into consideration in order to prepare our students for the 21st century. The idea is that teachers need to create assessments and curriculum that align with the needs of a 21st century learner. Technology is key, interdisciplinary studies are essential for deep understanding, etc. I think that this is a good representation of the need to modify our curriculum and teaching, in an effort to better prepare our students for the world that they will face in the future.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Safe Blogging Tips

After reviewing some websites such as Safe Blogging Tips for Teens, Know The Risks, and Blogger Privacy Tips, along with the textbook Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for the Classroom by Will Richardson, I have developed a list of safe blogging tips to be shared with students and parents in my classroom.

1. Keep students' identities private (have students use aliases, don't mention location or school in postings)

2. Don't post pictures of yourself, your friends, your community, etc. on your blog

3. Only post things that are appropriate for school and family, your blog is part of your "Online Portfolio" that will remain for years to come

4. Monitor who can and cannot leave comments on your blog (only allow people who know you to read and comment on blog posts)

5. Control who can and cannot see your blog

6. Don't respond to rude, mean, or embarrassing comments, delete them before they are posted to your blog.

7. Don't meet people that you meet online

8. If you wonder whether or not something is appropriate to post on your blog, don't post it. If you really want to share the information, ask a teacher or adult how you can post the information safely.

9. Be careful and use your head!